The community website for Findon in West Sussex

Adding your business

If you wish to add your business to the website, please complete the form below. Note that the business MUST be located in the village, unless it is nearby and providing a service not available in the village.

Information provided will be treated confidentially and will only be used in our business directory. We reserve the right not to accept or display any listings considered inappropriate.

Name of Business*
Business Address
Contact Name*
Position in Business*
Email Address*
Telephone number
Include phone number in listing?
Type of Organisation*
Type if 'Other' in above
Business description*
Form completed by*
Any other information

Adding your business

If you wish to add your business to the website, please complete the form below. Note that the business MUST be located in the village, unless it is nearby and providing a service not available in the village.

Information provided will be treated confidentially and will only be used in our business directory. We reserve the right not to accept or display any listings considered inappropriate.

Name of Business*
Business Address
Contact Name*
Position in Business*
Email Address*
Telephone number
Include phone number in listing?
Type of Organisation*
Type if 'Other' in above
Business description*
Form completed by*
Any other information