The community website for Findon in West Sussex

Local Clubs and Organisations  

Animal Welfare
Paws Animal Sanctuary
Paws Animal Sanctuary in Findon Village is totally run by volunteers many who have worked here for 18 years plus.  We take in all emergencies such as cats when owners have died, stray  cats when people have moved and left them behind, unwanted rabbits and guinea-pigs, hens, as well as injured wildlife such as hedgehogs, squirrels, birds (and in the spring many baby birds). We are always full especially with cats. Visitors reserve a cat on Sundays and we deliver them to their new homes during the week.
Contact:  Stacey McSpirit (Custodian) and Sheila Steere (Trustee)
Business & Trade
Findon Probus Club
Simply a group of retired or semi-retired PROfessional or BUSinessmen getting together to meet, chat and ‘munch a lunch’!  There are currently just over 30 members who meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at The Black Horse in Findon.  Lunch is at 12.30p.m. followed by a Guest Speaker and finishing just before 3.00p.m.
Contact:  Peter Langelaan (Hon Sec)
Findon Friends of St Barnabus
A local group who organise fundraising events to raise funds for the Worthing based charity St Barnabas House which provides specialist palliative care to adults with advanced progressive life-limiting illnesses.
Please click here for the Facebook page: 
Contact:  John Smith (Chairman)
St John the Baptist Church
Findon’s Parish church holds regular social events in addition to Sunday worship. Messy Church is a great family occasion, as is the Worship & Praise service on 1st Sunday of the month in the church. All welcome! Why not join us!
Contact:  Rev’d Helena Buque (Priest in Charge)
Phone:  01903 873601
Community Associations
Findon Village Gardens Association
The Association always welcomes new members and meets at 7.30 pm on the last Friday of each month (except December) when there is normally have a guest speaker. There are two flowers shows each year plus visits to gardens, a social evening and a quiz. Membership £5 a year and a £2 meeting entry.
Contact:  Derek McCourty (Chairman)
St John the Baptist C of E Primary School PTA
An incredibly hardworking charity that works tirelessly throughout the year organising various Findon Village events. It encourages closer links between the local community and school by arranging social activities that not only raise funds but also provide an opportunity for residents, parents, staff and pupils to get together. This includes the Findon Village Firework Fantasia, the Findon Village Summer Revels and the Findon Sheep Fair Refreshments
Contact:  Sadie Collis (Chairman)
Findon Village Pre-School
We are a semi-rural preschool who offers Learning Through Play. Our staff are experienced, providing high quality learning for all children. Our aim is to develop our childrens' learning through lots of varied and exciting activities giving them the chance to develop their independence ready for school. 
Contact:  Kim Fessey (Manager)
St John the Baptist C of E Primary School
St John the Baptist Primary School is a voluntary aided primary school for children aged 4-11 years. We strive for excellence and enjoyment, by providing a stimulating, exciting and innovative place to learn for everyone, developing and embedding new practices and working with outside agencies to provide a personalised fully rounded education for our pupils. We welcome visits our school.
Contact:  Richard Yelland (Head Teacher)
Social Activities
Findon Swimming Pool
Located within the grounds of St John the Baptist primary school is a fully supervised and heated outdoor swimming pool. Our pool is open from Monday to Saturday 3:30 to 4:30pm, usually from early May through to mid September. When the pool is not open to the public it is available for private hire. 
Contact:  Sarah Skelding (Secretary)
Findon Tastevin Group
A local wine tasting group that meets 6 times per year at Findon Village Hall, plus occasional special events. Presenters and Wines are varied. Membership is restricted in numbers and location. Membership is currently full with a waiting list. If interested please eMail for further details.
Contact:  Chris Day (Chairman)
Findon Valley Library Readers Group
Findon Valley Library are looking for new members to join their readers group. On the 3rd Tuesday of every month they meet in the Library to discuss their latest read and they would love to add some more opinions to the mix. If you are interested in joining the group please speak to staff at the Library or call 01903 872213 for more information.
Contact:  Jan Blackwell
Phone:  01903 872213
Sports & Games Clubs
Findon Cricket Club
Findon Cricket Club offers cricket in the pleasant surroundings of the South Downs. We have an active social agenda that caters for all tastes. We run three senior sides on a Saturday and one on a Sunday. We also have a veterans team and a thriving junior section that caters for boys and girls.
Contact:  Gary Howell (Chairman)
Henfield Bowling Club
Lawn bowling club located at The Daisycroft in Henfield. The club is open to all who want a social focus and/or an opportunity to play a competitive sport in a friendly environment.
Contact:  Anne Harwood (Secretary)
Phone:  01273 028452
Village Hall
Findon Village Hall Supporters Club (aka 200 Club)
The 200 Club has up to 200 members who pay £20 per year for a number which is entered into a number of draws.  There are 10 monthly draws for £25 and twice a year major draws for prizes of £500, £200, £100, £50 and two of £25.  All profits go to the  Village Hall Trust.
Contact:  Alan Wadhams (Secretary)
Findon Village Hall Trust
The newly restored Village Hall offers modern facilities in well maintained gardens. Regular events include Film Nights, Themed Coffee Mornings, Quiz Nights with dinner, as well as local clubs such as a very active Gardens Association, Two W.I’s, Dance and Exercise classes and Hobby Groups. Bookings taken for Weddings, Parties and Wakes
Women's Institutes
Findon Village WI
The Village WI meet every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the Village Hall. Throughout the year there are speakers and social evenings, including a Christmas Dinner and Summer Lunch. Sub-groups include Lunch Club, Craft Club, Darts, Book Club, and a Walking Group.  They also have stalls at the Summer Fete and Sheep Fair. Check out the Facebook page Findon Village WI or our website. 
Animal Welfare
Paws Animal Sanctuary
Paws Animal Sanctuary in Findon Village is totally run by volunteers many who have worked here for 18 years plus.  We take in all emergencies such as cats when owners have died, stray  cats when people have moved and left them behind, unwanted rabbits and guinea-pigs, hens, as well as injured wildlife such as hedgehogs, squirrels, birds (and in the spring many baby birds). We are always full especially with cats. Visitors reserve a cat on Sundays and we deliver them to their new homes during the week.
Contact:  Stacey McSpirit (Custodian) and Sheila Steere (Trustee)
Email:  pawsanimals@hotmail.co.uk
Web:  www.pawsanimalsanctuaryfindon.co.uk
Business & Trade
Findon Probus Club
Simply a group of retired or semi-retired PROfessional or BUSinessmen getting together to meet, chat and ‘munch a lunch’!  There are currently just over 30 members who meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at The Black Horse in Findon.  Lunch is at 12.30p.m. followed by a Guest Speaker and finishing just before 3.00p.m.
Contact:  Peter Langelaan (Hon Sec)
Email:  langelaan@ntlworld.com
Findon Friends of St Barnabus
A local group who organise fundraising events to raise funds for the Worthing based charity St Barnabas House which provides specialist palliative care to adults with advanced progressive life-limiting illnesses.
Please click here for the Facebook page: 
Contact:  John Smith (Chairman)
Email:  hilarysmithsoo@gmail.com
St John the Baptist Church
Findon’s Parish church holds regular social events in addition to Sunday worship. Messy Church is a great family occasion, as is the Worship & Praise service on 1st Sunday of the month in the church. All welcome! Why not join us!
Contact:  Rev’d Helena Buque (Priest in Charge)
Phone:  01903 873601
Email:  findoncprectory@gmail.com
Web:  www.findon-clapham-patching-churches.com
Community Associations
Findon Village Gardens Association
The Association always welcomes new members and meets at 7.30 pm on the last Friday of each month (except December) when there is normally have a guest speaker. There are two flowers shows each year plus visits to gardens, a social evening and a quiz. Membership £5 a year and a £2 meeting entry.
Contact:  Derek McCourty (Chairman)
Email:  findonwebsite@gmail.com
St John the Baptist C of E Primary School PTA
An incredibly hardworking charity that works tirelessly throughout the year organising various Findon Village events. It encourages closer links between the local community and school by arranging social activities that not only raise funds but also provide an opportunity for residents, parents, staff and pupils to get together. This includes the Findon Village Firework Fantasia, the Findon Village Summer Revels and the Findon Sheep Fair Refreshments
Contact:  Sadie Collis (Chairman)
Email:  sadiecollis@hotmail.com
Findon Village Pre-School
We are a semi-rural preschool who offers Learning Through Play. Our staff are experienced, providing high quality learning for all children. Our aim is to develop our childrens' learning through lots of varied and exciting activities giving them the chance to develop their independence ready for school. 
Contact:  Kim Fessey (Manager)
Email:  fvpreschool@gmail.com
Web:  www.findonvillagepreschool.co.uk
St John the Baptist C of E Primary School
St John the Baptist Primary School is a voluntary aided primary school for children aged 4-11 years. We strive for excellence and enjoyment, by providing a stimulating, exciting and innovative place to learn for everyone, developing and embedding new practices and working with outside agencies to provide a personalised fully rounded education for our pupils. We welcome visits our school.
Contact:  Richard Yelland (Head Teacher)
Email:  office@st-john-baptist.w-sussex.sch.uk
Web:  www.stjbps.co.uk
Social Activities
Findon Swimming Pool
Located within the grounds of St John the Baptist primary school is a fully supervised and heated outdoor swimming pool. Our pool is open from Monday to Saturday 3:30 to 4:30pm, usually from early May through to mid September. When the pool is not open to the public it is available for private hire. 
Contact:  Sarah Skelding (Secretary)
Email:  sarah@hseguru.co.uk
Web:  www.findonswimmingpool.co.uk
Findon Tastevin Group
A local wine tasting group that meets 6 times per year at Findon Village Hall, plus occasional special events. Presenters and Wines are varied. Membership is restricted in numbers and location. Membership is currently full with a waiting list. If interested please eMail for further details.
Contact:  Chris Day (Chairman)
Email:  findontastevin@gmail.com
Findon Valley Library Readers Group
Findon Valley Library are looking for new members to join their readers group. On the 3rd Tuesday of every month they meet in the Library to discuss their latest read and they would love to add some more opinions to the mix. If you are interested in joining the group please speak to staff at the Library or call 01903 872213 for more information.
Contact:  Jan Blackwell
Phone:  01903 872213
Email:  jane.blackwell@westsussex.gov.uk
Sports & Games Clubs
Findon Cricket Club
Findon Cricket Club offers cricket in the pleasant surroundings of the South Downs. We have an active social agenda that caters for all tastes. We run three senior sides on a Saturday and one on a Sunday. We also have a veterans team and a thriving junior section that caters for boys and girls.
Contact:  Gary Howell (Chairman)
Email:  growleruk@btinternet.com
Web:  www.findoncricketclub.co.uk
Henfield Bowling Club
Lawn bowling club located at The Daisycroft in Henfield. The club is open to all who want a social focus and/or an opportunity to play a competitive sport in a friendly environment.
Contact:  Anne Harwood (Secretary)
Phone:  01273 028452
Email:  henfieldbowls2016@gmail.com
Web:  www.hugofox.com/community/henfield-bowling-club-9839/home/
Village Hall
Findon Village Hall Supporters Club (aka 200 Club)
The 200 Club has up to 200 members who pay £20 per year for a number which is entered into a number of draws.  There are 10 monthly draws for £25 and twice a year major draws for prizes of £500, £200, £100, £50 and two of £25.  All profits go to the  Village Hall Trust.
Contact:  Alan Wadhams (Secretary)
Email:  alanwadhams49@gmail.com
Findon Village Hall Trust
The newly restored Village Hall offers modern facilities in well maintained gardens. Regular events include Film Nights, Themed Coffee Mornings, Quiz Nights with dinner, as well as local clubs such as a very active Gardens Association, Two W.I’s, Dance and Exercise classes and Hobby Groups. Bookings taken for Weddings, Parties and Wakes
Email:  findonhallbookings@gmail.com
Web:  www.findonvillagehall.com
Women's Institutes
Findon Village WI
The Village WI meet every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the Village Hall. Throughout the year there are speakers and social evenings, including a Christmas Dinner and Summer Lunch. Sub-groups include Lunch Club, Craft Club, Darts, Book Club, and a Walking Group.  They also have stalls at the Summer Fete and Sheep Fair. Check out the Facebook page Findon Village WI or our website. 
Email:  findonvillagewi@hotmail.com
Web:  www.findonvillagewi.wixsite.com/mysite