The Findon Village Gardens Association welcomes new members. We meet at 7:30pm on the last Friday in each month (except December) in the Village Hall. We normally have a guest speaker, with subjects ranging from horticulture to the history of canals; from trug making to natural history.
We have an annual light-hearted quiz night, a Christmas Social evening and of course our two Flower shows, enabling members to grow and show prize blooms and vegetables, plus of course the cookery, photography and handicraft sections. During the year, visits to gardens and other places of interest are arranged, which make for a most enjoyable day or half day out. There is truly something for everyone.
Annual membership is £5 with a £2 entry to the monthly meeting to include tea and biscuits.
Chairman – Derek McCourty
Membership Secretary – Richie Line
Treasurer – Sue Line
Show Secretary – Sue Brown
Committee Members:
Maureen Bowen
Liz McCourty
Rita Simmons
Olwen Williams
Paddy Winter
Dates for 2024:
29th March – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Jo Reading - Ferring Country Centre Commercial Co-ordinator
6th April – 2pm Spring Flower Show
26th April – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Amanda Colberg - Garden Designer. Gardening for drought
31st May – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Martyn Cox. The secret history of vegetables
28th June – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Ben Pope. Making the most of what you have
26th July – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Molly & Dan - Chalkdown Flowers. Establishing a sustainable cut flower farm
3rd August - 2pm Summer Flower Show
30th August – Quiz Night, bring a bottle
27th September – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Jim Buttress. 65 years in horticulture
25th October – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest Speaker: Andrew Elms - Lordington Lavendar
29th November – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: TBC
6th December - 7.30pm Christmas Social
31st January - Annual General Meeting
This month our speaker is Ian Currie with his talk “Droughts, Deluges and Dust Devils”.
Ian is a full-time weatherman, broadcaster, author and speaker. He can be heard on Radio Surrey and Sussex giving forecasts to gardeners and growers and is a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Ian’s talk will cover several centuries of weather with reference to the Southeast of England. From 7meter high snow drifts to hail stones the size of cricket balls, blazing Summers to tornadoes and devastating floods. All will be seen as Ian shows what happened with our weather in the past.
This is the month for membership renewal with the annual membership fee remaining at £5.00 per person. On paying your fee you will receive your membership card and Show brochures for both the Spring and Summer Shows.
Our Spring Flower Show this year is on Saturday 5th April. The show brochure has all the classes available along with the entry form required for the Show. Whilst the flower sections are dependent on the weather between now and April, there are lots of other classes for you to enter. Photography, cookery and flower arranging are all there waiting for your entry. This year there are 2 places to drop your entry forms - The Village Shop and as usual, Peckham’s Butchers.
The show is always a great success when we receive lots of entries.
Gardeners World Live Spring Fair at Beaulieu on Friday 2nd May 2025
There are still places available for this trip.
Set in the beautiful grounds of Beaulieu, the Spring Fair includes many exhibitors, plant nurseries, “Show” borders with garden ideas and much more. Adam Frost is one of the guests on the day along with other members of the G.W. team. The price also includes the attractions of Beaulieu…. The National Motor Museum, Palace House, Beaulieu Abbey and Gardens.
We are offering 2 coach pick-up places for this day trip.
9.00am….All Saints Church, Junction of Cissbury Avenue and Cissbury Drive, Findon Valley.
9.15am….Findon Village Hall.
PLEASE let us know if you wish to be picked up in FINDON VALLEY.
The cost is £40.50 per person based on 40 people travelling and includes entry to Beaulieu, Gardeners World Live, Coach and Driver’s tip.
The money for this trip will be collected at the February Club evening.
Please make cheques payable to….. F.V.G.A. or Cash
Liz and Derek McCourty
Email: Tel: 01903 874169
RHS Wisley Tuesday 5th August
We will be using our FVGA, RHS Affiliation Free entry tickets for this trip.
Although we visited in September 2022, Wisley is always enjoyable.
The cost for this trip is £18.75 per person for Coach and driver’s tip.
If more than 40 travel, the price will be reduced.
The money for this trip will be collected at the May Club evening.
For either trip please E-mail us directly or you can book your place at the February Club evening.
Our Flower of the Month returns this month. As Spring slowly starts to show, perhaps you have something flowering in your garden that you might like to share with other club members. A single Daffodil, Snowdrop or Hellebore have all been winners in the past so please enter if you can. The winner, chosen by our guest speaker, will receive a £5.00 garden voucher.
See you on Friday 28th
Derek McCourty (Chairman)
The Findon Village Gardens Association welcomes new members. We meet at 7:30pm on the last Friday in each month (except December) in the Village Hall. We normally have a guest speaker, with subjects ranging from horticulture to the history of canals; from trug making to natural history.
We have an annual light-hearted quiz night, a Christmas Social evening and of course our two Flower shows, enabling members to grow and show prize blooms and vegetables, plus of course the cookery, photography and handicraft sections. During the year, visits to gardens and other places of interest are arranged, which make for a most enjoyable day or half day out. There is truly something for everyone.
Annual membership is £5 with a £2 entry to the monthly meeting to include tea and biscuits.
Chairman – Derek McCourty
Membership Secretary – Richie Line
Treasurer – Sue Line
Show Secretary – Sue Brown
Committee Members:
Maureen Bowen
Liz McCourty
Rita Simmons
Olwen Williams
Paddy Winter
Dates for 2024:
29th March – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Jo Reading - Ferring Country Centre Commercial Co-ordinator
6th April – 2pm Spring Flower Show
26th April – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Amanda Colberg - Garden Designer. Gardening for drought
31st May – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Martyn Cox. The secret history of vegetables
28th June – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Ben Pope. Making the most of what you have
26th July – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Molly & Dan - Chalkdown Flowers. Establishing a sustainable cut flower farm
3rd August - 2pm Summer Flower Show
30th August – Quiz Night, bring a bottle
27th September – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: Jim Buttress. 65 years in horticulture
25th October – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest Speaker: Andrew Elms - Lordington Lavendar
29th November – 7:30pm monthly meeting
Guest speaker: TBC
6th December - 7.30pm Christmas Social
31st January - Annual General Meeting